This script will test AD computers (one or a whole range) on connectivity and return its state in green (when the machine is up) or red (when the machine is down) its core provider is the Active Directory module of powershell and the Test-Connection cmdlet that basicly tests a connection with a ping.
# This script tests the connectivity of Active Directory computers
# Script built by Bas Huygen februari 2013
# The usefull variable ErrorActionPreference is used to control the feedback Powershell returns to the ‘default-out’ $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# we’re clearly using the AD module here…
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$inp = Read-Host "give the name of the machine that has to be checked `n
It is also possible to use a wildcard (*) to test a range of computers`n
For example giving SER* will test all AD computers starting with a name like SER01 or SERvertest `n
not providing a value here will input * which means all AD computers will be scanned"
If($inp -eq ""){$inp = "*"} $ir = 0; $is = 0
foreach($comp in (Get-ADComputer -filter * |where {$_.Name -like $inp})){`
If(Test-Connection -Count 1 ${$ir ++ ;Write-Host "Machine " $ "is up-and-running" -ForegroundColor Green}`
Else{$is ++;Write-Host "Machine " $ "is down" -ForegroundColor Red}}
Write-Host "---------------------`n"
Write-Host "total running machines is" $ir -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "total stopped machines " $is -ForegroundColor Red
output looks like this:
have fun with it and questions, please leave them at this page and i will get back to you.
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