Saturday, February 23, 2013

Start MDT Litetouch deployment remote

Hello again, i am back with a script that is quite handy for IT deployments done with MDT (any version would actually work with this script)
So Microsoft made MDT to be integrated with SCCM and, if done correctly, that combination is very powerful to deploy any kind of Microsoft OS to the enterprise, but what about the smaller clients, the ones who don’t have SCCM? MDT can be used on its own and Litetouch deployments can do the trick!
There is one little thing though that has not properly been addressed by the MDT development team (at least that's my opinion) and that is to hand us a way to get deployments started remotely from the Administrators console. As always with these kind of things i am not the only one so on TechNet a thread was started to get this issue addressed.
Handed solutions were two: present a batch file with a link to the litetouch.vbs and use psexec.exe to get a deployment started remotely. (Psexec is a formidable tool, part of the sysinternals Pstools toolkit)  i have used the first one many times before but its drawbacks are: most of the time you have to log on to the remote deployment system. the Psexec solution however is really nice, that's what i used as a base for this script.
image                                 image
figure 1 the batched solution                                                         figure 2 the Psexec solution
The main difference is: the batched (first) solution is one in which the clients have to fetch the litetouch scripts by themselves, the second Psexec solution is the other way around, in this case you bring the litetouch.vbs script to the client.

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Do {
Do {
$trgMachine = Read-Host("Give the machinename that has to receive a LiteTouch deployment (Netbios or DNS name are equally good)")
    If($trgMachine -eq ""){Write-Host "Please give a name"}
}While($trgMachine -eq "")
psexec.exe -i \\$trgMachine -h -u DOMAIN\User -p Userpassword cscript.exe //B "\\MDTServer\Deploymentshare$\Scripts\litetouch.vbs"
   if($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0){Write-Host "All went well"}else{Write-Host "Something went wrong: " + $LASTEXITCODE}
$goOn= Read-Host("Another machine? (y)")
}while($goOn -eq "y")

Some explanation: the main line of the script is the line starting with psexec.exe it will run the command starting at cscript.exe on the remote machine (designated by $trgMachine) under credentials of the given –u Username and (optional) –p password (this gets sent in clear text so you can omit the –p option and give a password any time in the command shell when running the script) then there are some Do – While loops will restart the script when an empty hostname is found and at the end of a run. the option -h in the psexec line will suppress any UAC prompt (provided you started the script with an account (the -u option) that has local administrator rights)
To use the script, make sure you have psexec.exe installed on a location that's in one of the path locations (usually C:\Windows\System32 is a good location)
have fun and see you next time

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